Release Notes 185 – Oct 31, 2019

  • New Report added: Project Benefit Drill down Report
  • Add count of Project to List view
  • My Projects View: Add option to filter projects by status in All Projects area.
  • Daily Updates tasks: Now change status without requiring modal open.
  • Minor bug fixes:
    • Project Benefit navigation menu issue
    • New comments time off by 20 minutes.
    • Idea Export: Include project sequence ID.


Release 184 – October 15,  2019

KPI Fire is proud to announce the following features and enhancements:

  • New Team Engagement Report

Chart of an engagement report displaying metrics such as participation rates.

  • New My Projects Page

Animated GIF showing a list of projects within a management dashboard.

  • Improved Daily Updates Page

Screenshot of the approvals section, showing approval requests for different projects.


  • Improved control over daily updates email notifications.
    • The  default  value for  notification  email  will  be  Weekly(Mondays)  at  9am  EST.

Screenshot of notification settings page, with toggles to enable or disable different types of alerts.


  • Changed Features: The setup of individual notifications is going away. This is being replaced by a set of standard notifications.  Most notifications will be created in-app, some notifications can also be emailed immediately.
    • In App Notifications
      • You have been added to a project
      • You have been assigned as the owner of a task.
      • A task requires your approval.
      • The task approval request you send has been approved.
      • The task approval you requested has been rejected.
      • You have been added to a goal.
      • Your project has changed status from Idea -> Active.
      • You were mentioned in a task comment.
    • Notify Immediately via email (Optional)
      • Task assigned
      • Task approval requested
      • Task approval approved/rejected
      • You are mentioned in a Task Comment.


  • New Task Detail page with New @Mention feature in Task Comments.  Use the “@” and the users name to mention them in a comment and a notification will be sent to their email.

Screenshot of task detail with multiple columns showing project status, priority, and assigned team members.


  • Various small adjustments to user interface
    • arrow size in project sub tasks
    • project status report box expand
  • Infinite scroll on Project List view.
  • Zapier: no longer requires Actual field to bring over other target columns.
  • Metric Tile View:  Auto-refresh every 5 minutes.
  • Removed the notice that your workflow has been changed.
  • Fixed issue annual/ 5yr input on metric chart.
  • project % complete manual option
  • Fix approval icon
  • Task move feature. Now showing task groups in same order as project when moving.
  • Fix category filter on project benefit view
  • Remove notification on project that workflow has changed.
  • Fix duplicate value in Certification level.
  • Improve wrap on project header
  • Fix project benefit quarterly tile: show target line.
  • Add project count to Project List view.


<< Later Release Notes:  Q4:2019 November

>> Earlier Release Notes: Q2/Q3:2019 June/July