Product Enhancements – Release Notes August 2024

We are happy to announce some new enhancements & fixes:
(Last Release – August 26, 2024)

Note: if you don’t see the same thing in your account, try clearing your cache/cookies or use a “new private window” to refresh the cache.

Released – August 26, 2024

Projects List
  • UI Enhancement : Added “My Projects” side bar on project list page .

Charter Tab

  • UI Enhancement : Updated text on the photo tile to “Upload Photo” and “Add Link to Photo” in both the Charter tab photo tile and Custom Huddleboard photo tile.

Status Report Tab

  • Enhancement : Status report history now includes the recipient’s email address, even if it’s not linked to an existing user.

Task Timeline

  • UI Enhancement : Added arrows for backward and forward navigation, and introduced infinite scrolling for a seamless view.
Idea Funnel
  • UI Enhancement : The “Ideas by Team Leader” table shows “Inactive” text on hover over a username in the graph for clearer identification of inactive accounts.


  • UI Enhancement : Added a dropdown option on  categories to sort items alphabetically by A-Z or Z-A.
Metrics Setup
  • UI Enhancement :Added linking elbow lines on the Metric Setup page to better illustrate the relationships between metrics.

Default Home Page

  • Enhancement : Added a new 3-column view option for the default landing page.
Advanced Search
  • UI Enhancement : Redirection to tasks from advanced search results if their status is updated from “deleted” to another status.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • UI Enhancement :Redirecting Icon no longer appears when accessing “Project Benefits” if edit access is restricted.
  • Clicking on a project row in the project budget report drill down now correctly redirects to the benefits tab instead of the tasks tab.

Released – August 19, 2024

Project List
  • Enhancement : Added a column in the Project List view for admins to delete projects directly.
Idea Funnel
  • Enhancement : Added an extra row and column for “Not Set” values to the effort impact chart, improving clarity and usability.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • Pop-up to activate the project now appears when changing an idea’s status to “Active” in the Idea Funnel.
  • Chnaging status from “Pending Approval” to “Approved” is now working correctly from Project> Project Benefit pop up.

Released – August 13, 2024


Grid View (3 column)

  • Enhancement: On initial page load, 2nd level goals will now be expanded by default, Added a dropdown to exapand 1 st level, 2nd level and All levels.

Files Tab

  • Enhancement: Uploaded files on project charter are now displayed on the files tab  under project files section.

Charter Tab

  • UI Enhancement: Added option to set Effort & Impact to 0 on new ideas for better differentiation; configurable in workflow settings.
Projects By Departments Tree View
  •  NEW feature: Updated Project Tree Report to include an option for ” include sub-departments counts ”.
Project Budget Report
  • Added feature to save the expanded/collapsed state of groups in Project Budget Report views, preserving user preferences.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  •  Name field is now read-only when opening a project benefit from the benefit tab.
  • Resolved issue with project tasks where dates were changing randomly and intermittently.

Released – August 05, 2024


SAML Single Sign On

  • NEW feature: Added department field in SAML configuration to map to user department.
External Idea Form
  • Enhancement: External idea form now displays an attachment section and shows uploaded files within the project files section in the idea funnel.
Goal X matrix
  • Enhancement: Added option to switch to X matrix or 3 Column Grid View, similar to buttons on Metric Summary View.
Project Portfolio Timeline
  • UI Enhancement:  Added project count beside page header and project # on hover-over.
  • Enhancement: Introduced a new column for total benefit: actual, target, and forecast.

 Tasks Tab

  • Enhancement: Enhanced multiselect to allow dragging and moving multiple tasks into another group simultaneously.

 Tasks Timeline

  • UI Enhancement: Added task count beside group name and task number on hover-over project name.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • Removed Beta tag from Goal grid 3 column view.
  • Default grid view page is now set to 3 columns view.
  • Enhanced validation to prevent saving metrics and goals with blank names.
  • No-access members now appear on Work Time by Team Member when they are active.

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