Advance Your Career
Get 3 Free Chapters of this book “Lead from Any Seat”, by Andrei Anca
- Learn how to lead when you’re not in charge
- Also, ignite your excitement to make positive change, and inspire others.
- Truly the best book about inspiring an improved culture
- Contrary to popular belief, don’t wait for permission to solve a problem.
- Naturally, lead when you’re not in charge
- Consequently, get more people thinking about and acting on positive change
- In brief, learn how to get engagement from site leaders or general managers for CI/Lean programs.
I want every employee in my company to read this book – Keith Norris CEO
In short, the best book on building a culture where people use Lean principles and tools to ultimately advance their careers
“People want guidance, not rhetoric; they need to know what the plan of action is and how it will be implemented. They want to be given the responsibility to help solve the problem and the authority to act on it.” – Howard Schultz, Starbucks
Faster Career Advancement
- Clearly cultivate the right attitude for change.
- Seeing through the eyes of your customer. In truth, your boss is also your customer.
- Treat everything like a project.
- Namely, get stakeholders on your side.
- Be a leader and be curious. Continuous Improvement is not a department, it is a growth mindset.
- Change is the only constant especially within companies that can execute on good ideas and are able to adapt.
- Improvement programs help develop leaders & leadership. To clarify, your company NEEDs more leaders at every level.
- Above all, Operational Excellence requires continuous improvement.
- Your employees undoubtedly WANT to help. To emphasize, you NEED to harness their creative energy and their passion to make progress.
- Improvement programs can definitely generate REAL bottom line savings and contribution margin.
Share this book with anyone you want to inspire to be part of continuous improvement.
To demonstrate, companies with successful Continuous Improvement programs can stay ahead of market changes and can accomplish virtually any objective they set a plan toward. As a consequence, these dominant companies can lead their industries in financial performance, customer satisfaction, product quality, and employee engagement.
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou
Make “Good” Change Happen more quickly
- Change is good mindset
- CTQ Tree
- The Perspective Pie
- The 8 Wastes
- Bring Solutions not problems
- Root Cause analysis
- 5S System
- Project Management habits
Lead from Any Seat – by Andrei Anca
What people are saying about this book:
- “Very approachable way to learn Lean principles”
- “A super easy read. Consequently, the most approachable, yet comprehensive book for Operational Excellence”
- “Specifically I wish more people thought like this and learned how to lead when you’re not in charge”
Be a leader and share this book with everyone in your company
- Not to mention change is something everyone can be part of.
- Empower your organization to ultimately solve problems.
- Provide a toolset that can get them started.
Inspire Change Leadership Mindset
In essence, this is one of the best books that takes Lean principles and adapts them to anyone who cares about their career, in any organization. Including Lean is NOT just about cutting costs. For one thing, these continuous improvement principles can be used by anyone in any organization to inspire change so that your career will be accelerated. I definitely want everyone to be a leader and read this book. Consequently, we have made this special offer available to you. – Keith Norris.
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