Product Enhancements – Release Notes May 2021
We are happy to announce some new enhancements & fixes:
(Last release May 26, 2021)
Note: if you don’t see the same thing in your account, try clearing your cache/cookies or use a “new private window” to refresh the cache.
Metric Bowling:
- UI update- metric formatting removed from individual cells and visible in Actual/Target column

- Language change: previously “Custom Dashboards” are now “Huddleboards”
- NEW navigation to saved views, Huddleboards, and Custom X Matrix
- More information on Huddleboards
- Main menu –> Metrics –> Huddleboards
- Add New Huddleboard or Custom X Matrix
- Sort view with user, department, and text field within global filters

- Expand and collapse Huddleboards based on departments

Huddleboard Access:
- Goal & Metric Modals: Linked huddleboards are visible but navigation access is restricted based on visibility settings on huddleboard

- Search by project ID or project sequence

Project Timeline:
- Drag and drop beginning and/or end of project bar to save new start and end dates

Metric Import:
- View the file name after selecting to import