Product Enhancements – Release Notes April 2024

We are happy to announce some new enhancements & fixes:
(Last Release – April 27, 2024)

Note: if you don’t see the same thing in your account, try clearing your cache/cookies or use a “new private window” to refresh the cache.


  • UI Enhancement: “Linked Projects” now displays counts for each project group and features collapsible/uncollapsible sections in both the goal and metric pop-ups.
UI Enhancement: Linked Projects
  • Enhancement: Updated new task modal in Metrics to display selected project and group, and added ability to create a new project from the modal.
Updated new task modal in Metrics
  • Enhancement: Users can now enable and edit parent metric’s target settings when selecting sum or average of sub metrics mode in the metric modal within metrics.
Users can now enable and edit parent metric’s target settings
  • Enhancement: Expanded Metric Calculations with additional options beyond ratio, including multiplication, subtraction, and addition.
Expanded Metric Calculations
  • Enhancement: Submetrics linked for sum of sub metrics, average of sub metrics, or data calculation methods are now displayed beneath the data table in metric Data.
 Submetrics linked for sum of sub metrics
  • UI Enhancement: Labels for all info popups such as Title, Owner, and Category are now bolded for improved visibility.
Labels for all info popups such as Title, Owner, and Category

Metric Bowling

  • NEW feature: Added grouping by input frequency option to Metric Bowling chart.
Added grouping by input frequency option to Metric Bowling chart
  • NEW feature: Introducing a sorting dropdown feature in Metric Bowling View for both ‘A to Z’ and ‘Z to A’ sorting options.
Introducing a sorting dropdown feature in Metric Bowling View


  • Enhancement: Metric modal’s Charts tab now includes a dropdown to filter data on reasons for missing target for Last 30, 60, or 90 days.

Metric modal’s Charts tab now includes a dropdown
  • Enhancement: Enabled editability of pareto and notes by metric editors in parent metrics for consistent access.

New Idea 

  • Enhancement: Enhancement: Added custom fields to the ‘Charter’ tab in workflow popups, introduced a toggle icon for showing/hiding fields on the idea form page, and now display only selected fields when changing workflows on the new idea page.
 Added custom fields to the Charter tab in workflow popups
  • UI Enhancement: Added red asterisks to indicate required fields in the New Idea form, ensuring consistency and clarity.
Added red asterisks to indicate required fields in the New Idea form

Idea Funnel

  • UI Enhancement: Changed shelved ideas from displaying as “Rejected ideas” to “Shelved” in the idea funnel tab label.
Changed shelved ideas from displaying as Rejected ideas to Shelved



  • Enhancement: Project task count pop-up will display the number of past due tasks for each user and provide a total count for the entire project.
Project task count pop-up will display the number

Charter Tab

  • Enhancement: Added cross button for deleting number type custom field from project charter.


  • Enhancement: Added “Add New Team Member” option in project task assignment user list, directing users to the team tab.
Added Add New Team Member option in project task assignment
  • Enhancement: Added functionality on task page to filter by clicking on tags and included an “x” to remove tags directly from the task UI without opening the tag modal.
Added functionality on task page to filter
  • Enhancement: Added filter by task status functionality on the tasks page.
Added filter by task status functionality on the tasks page
  • NEW feature : Added mention functionality in notes within task edit pop-ups.
Added mention functionality in notes within task edit pop-ups
  • Enhancement: Users with “edit own” rights can now only modify their own tasks’ dates in the task timeline.
 Users with edit own rights

Project Benefits

  • UI Enhancement: Moved “Export” functionality to the Action button in Project Benefits.
 Moved Export functionality to the Action button in Project Benefits.

Goal X Matrix/Custom X Matrix

  • Enhancement: Added new configuration options in X-Matrix for displaying “Goal/Project % Complete” and “Project Schedule Icon”.
Added new configuration options in X-Matrix
Saved Views & Huddleboards
  • Executives users can update huddle boards, including adding or updating team members.

BSC Huddleboard

  • Enhancement: In BSC View, the “Hide Score” option now hides both metric and row scores for improved column customization.
  • NEW feature:  Inline edit introduced for updating metric “actuals” values and interval notes in BSC.
Inline edit introduced for updating metric



  • Restricted Executive/Strategy users from importing users; they can now only export.
  • No access users in the user list now display as “active” instead of “invited” status.
No access users in the user list
  • Enhancement: Added a ‘Show Count’ button to display the number of licenses on the user page.
Added a Show Count button to display the number of licenses
Added a Show Count button to display the number of licenses


  • Enhancement: Added Primary Owner display to the Department page.
Added Primary Owner display to the Department page

External Idea form

  • Enhancement: In Projects, the External idea form now respects the sequence attribute from the tile view to display goals, instead of showing them by creation date or ID.
  • Enhancement: Added pre-select Department in External Idea form and display Department ID on hover with an i icon.
Added pre-select Department in External Idea form

General Settings

  • Enhancement: Added two new currencies for Malaysian Ringgit and Australian Dollar.
Added two new currencies for Malaysian Ringgit and Australian Dollar


  • Enhancement: Added option to enable or disable daily update email notifications for all users in the organization.
Added option to enable or disable daily update email notifications

Custom field

  • Enhancement: Added custom field for sortable number values, available as a custom field type.
Added custom field for sortable number values

General Updates/ Bug Fixes

  • Implemented functionality to ensure users who unsubscribe from our emails no longer receive any email communications.
  • Team Member License users can view huddle boards and saved views in the waffle menu.
  • Notification emails display the creator field correctly when an idea is submitted through the external form.
  • In Metric Bowling View or Metric Tile View, filtering by 1st level will now display metrics with archived parents.
  • Resolved inconsistency in color display for “Middle is Best” and “Weekly” metrics; now consistent across views.
  • Health icon displays correctly on all tabs within the Idea Funnel.
  • Cloning metric for multiple departments now works correctly.
  • PB budget/benefit reports default to using the company currency instead of only USD as the base currency.
  • Resolved decimal rounding error in the weekly bowling view, now displays input correctly.
  • Resolved user icon visibility on task comments.
  • Enhancement: Users won’t see the pages in projects if not added to the workflow.

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