Managing Task Due Dates

Manage Tasks with Date Options:

  1. Start Date
  2. Duration: Day(s)
  3. Due Date
  4. Skip Weekends (optional)

The date fields are dynamic depending on which you select first.

1. Select the Start Date 1st

    • Choose the amount of days the task is expected to take
    • The due date will automatically adjust based on the duration selected

2. Select the Due Date 1st

    • Choose the amount of days the task is expected to take
    • The start date will automatically adjust based on the duration selected

3. Select Both Start and Due Date

    • Set both the start and due date (in any order)
    • The duration will adjust automatically

4. No Dates Set  (Clear Values)

    • Clear Values to have due date set as “None”
No Dates Set (Clear Values)

Skip Weekends

  • Selecting “Skip weekends” will adjust the date to skip Saturdays and Sundays.
  • (Check “Skip Weekends” before selecting date and duration values)
Skip Weekends

Due Date Colors:

Task due dates will change color based on the status of the task and whether the current date is past the due date set.

  1. Black- not past due, incomplete
  2. Red- past due, incomplete
  3. Grey- complete, “done”
Due Date Colors