How to Import & Export in KPI Fire

Quick Tips:

  • General rule: If you can export a file, the same format can typically be used to modify & re-import the records.
  • If the ID column is empty, a new record will be created. If the ID number is included in the import file, the existing record will be updated. 
  • The order/ sequence & column headers on import templates MUST match the values in the import templates. 


The following record type imports & exports are available:

Metric Import
There are 2 different metric Import options available: Option 1  is best for initial creation of many metrics, Option 2 is best for adding interval data to existing metrics.

Metric Import for Initial Setup (Option 1)
Scenario: Use this import option for creating a large number of metrics and

Permissions required:
● License Type: Administrator

Location & Instructions:
1. Go to Settings>>API Settings>>Metric Setup
2. Choose Download Template to access the import template

Metric Import for Adding Interval Data (Option 2)
Scenario: Use this import option for periodic imports of new data to the same metrics, or adding interval data to metrics.

Permissions required:
● License Type: Administrator

Location & Instructions:
1. Go to Metric tab
2. Click Action:Import

How to get the metric import template:

(from time to time this format may change, please refer to the template in app over this help document)

Metric Setup Columns

Column Details Optional / Required
Metric ID Numerical value created by KPI
Fire when a new record is
created. This column will be
empty if creating new records. If
a value is included in this column
it will update the matching metric.
Metric Name String text Required
Department Text
Valid values must match an
existing Department.
Owner String Value
Must match an existing user. You
must create the user before
importing metrics for that user.
Interval Determines the interval
configuration for the metric.
Valid Values are: Hour, Day,
Week, Month, Quarter, Year
Default value is Month
Notes (objective) String text Max length is ?? Optional
Default is: NULL
Category Optional
Default is: NULL
Parent Metric Name A number corresponding to
another parent Metric ID
Default is: NULL
Format Valid values: Optional
Default is: #
Direction Valid Values: Bigger, Smaller Optional Optional Default: Bigger is Better
Data Mode Optional
default is Sum All
Status Valid Values: Active, Archive Optional
Default: Active
Visibility Optional
Default is: Visible To All

Metric Export feature is available from:

  • Metrics Tile View:  Will include all records based on global filters & users access.
  • Metric Bowling View
  • Metric Report: Metric List View
  • Metric Data Tab

Pro Tip: Use the Export template, make your edits/additions,  then Import

One of the easiest ways to update metric data is to use the exported CSV file as a template for your imports. 

  1. Date column should be with time in case of custom import.
  2. The pareto list should be already selected in the metric.
  3. The all the reason code which you are using should be present in pareto list on admin settings(new reason code and pareto list can not be created through import)
  4. Only till custom field 2 data can be imported(I will make task for this enhancement)

Import Failure Reasons

  • Column headers not matching template requirements.
  • Pareto reasons are not in a pareto list
  • Pareto list name must be included
  • date format not recognized as valid value
  • a-z value passed in number only column

Goal Import & Goal Export

Goal Export

License Type Required

  • Administrator, Executive, Strategy

Goal Import

Goal Import will create a new record if:

  • ID column is empty.

Will update the existing record if:

  • id, Goal Name, Owner matches imported values

Field Valid Values Required/ Optional
GOAL_ID Empty, Number Optional.
If empty, a new goal will be
Goal Name Any text string Required
Owner A Valid user name in
format of: Firstname
Login user will be used as creator
if no valid username is provided
Description Long text string Optional
Department String Required (Must match existing department names)
Category String Optional (Must match existing Category values if included)
Start Year YYYY Optional.  Current Year will be used if not included.
End Year YYYY Optional.  Current Year will be used if not included.
Status NULL (empty)
Optional:  default is “active”
Include this value as ‘archive’ to archive existing goals via import.

Project Import & Project Export

Pro Tip: Get Familiar with Export data first, before doing Imports.  To do this you may need to manually create a few records, then do an export.

           We recommend getting familiar with the Project Export feature BEFORE doing a project import. Why?  Because this will help you understand the column names and valid values that are acceptable on the project import. 

Project Export Options

    1. Go to Project List
    2. Click Actions: Select Export OR Full Export

Export vs Full Export

  • Export is best for a quick CSV or Excel export. You can choose selected columns during the export routine. This export creates a single page CSV/XLS file.
  • Full Export will create an multi-page Excel workbook with multiple data tabs.

Project Import Options

Types of Project Import Options

  1. Projects  (Primary project details such as project name, owner/leader, status, and workflow)
  2. Project Tasks 
  3. Project Benefits 
  4. Project Benefit Budgets 

Import to Project Custom Fields:

             Note: Before you can import custom field attributes to projects, the custom fields must be created. If you have already created your custom fields you can skip this step: 

      To create custom field for projects:

  1. Go to: Settings>> Categories/Tags/Pareto /Custom fields 
  2. Click Create New Custom Field

Notes about Importing Custom Field Values:

  • Imported values will replace existing values.  For multi-select fields, this means any existing values may be removed if the imported file does not contain the same values.

Project Benefit Import

Project Benefit Import

Importing Project Benefit Budgets

  1. Choose the export to get a template you can use for adding your desired project benefits.
  2. Use the same template for importing.

To Import values “by month” Choose the Export by Month & Import by Month opttions.

Task Import

User Import & Export

Tip:  You can use the User Export option to help see the formatting values for new records for license type. 

License Type Required: 

  • Admin or Executive License

Where is it?

       Settings>> Users>> Current Users Tab>> Action Button

Required Fields for Importing Users:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Department
  • License Type

Valid Values for License Type are:

  • Administrator License, Executive License, Strategy License, Project License, Team Member License, Idea License, View Only License, No Access


     Values here should match the Departments in your account. If you have variation in the department names, you could end up with unintended duplicate departments. 

Relationship Import (goal -metric-project) 

Instructions Pending publication.  Please contact your account manger for details on this import option.