Advanced Search

A new feature to find tasks more easily.

An image representing the connection between strategy and project execution

Who has access to it:

  • Admin, Executive, Strategy, and Project License users

What you can do with it:

  • Find tasks across multiple projects, users, and departments
  • Search based on the task name, status, owner, due date, and notes
  • Can combine search filters to refine results

A chart depicting the goal alignment process, with arrows pointing toward a central objective

Filter Use

Use filters individually or combine them for more specific results.

Task Name:

  • Contains- finds any tasks with those characters in the title
  • Equals- finds the task with the exact characters in the title

A balanced scorecard layout, with columns for different performance metrics

Task Status:

  • Equals- Finds all tasks with selected status type
  • Not Equals- Finds all tasks except those with selected status type

An image of a scorecard showing various key performance indicators

Task Owner:

  • Equals- Finds all tasks with selected users as task owner. Can select multiple names
  • Not Equals- Finds all tasks except ones owned by the selected name(s)
  • *Project License* User must be on the same project team in order to search for tasks by other users.

An image of a strategic planning session, with team members actively participating

Task Due Date:

  • Equals- Finds all tasks with the selected due date
  • Before- Finds all tasks before the selected due date
  • After- Finds all tasks past the selected due date

A dashboard screenshot, showcasing project management metrics and analysis tools

Task Note:

  • Contains- Finds all tasks that contain the specified characters in the notes section
  • Empty- Finds all tasks that have no added notes

Finds all tasks that have no added notes

Other Features in Advanced Search

Clear Search:

  • Start a fresh search query

A blog post image showing project management processes in action, with a focus on collaborative work

Results Count:

A blog post banner discussing strategy execution, featuring a collage of strategic elements

Results Pages:

  • Multiple pages of results
  • Select the amount of results per page

A metric input screen within a dashboard, displaying options for data entry and analysis

Sort Results:

  • Can sort results by any of the table columns

A visual of a project management process, outlining the key steps and actions

User License Access

User Right’s for Advanced Search:

  • Admin– can view all tasks
  • Executive– cannot see tasks in private projects if not on team
  • Strategy– cannot search for tasks of other users if not on same project team
  • Project– cannot search for tasks of other users if not on same project team
  • Team– no access
  • Idea– no access
  • Viewer– no access