About KPI Fire

Align Strategy | Drive Execution | Engage People

We Believe

Continuous Improvement IS the most important pillar in any Strategic Plan Every company should embrace a strategy that involves the effort of continuously getting better at what you do. Every industry is evolving. No company has the luxury of resting on its laurels and sitting on some bygone advantage. If you aren’t getting better, you are getting worse.

If you can Measure it, you can manage it —The best way to track progress toward any goal is to establish a metric to measure and a target value to achieve. If you find that your metric is no longer the right metric, it is best to change the metric.

The # 1 Job of any LEADER is to make improvements The best way to track progress toward any goal is to establish a metric to measure and a target value to achieve. If you find that your metric is no longer the right metric, it is best to change the metric.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

-Peter Drucker

This quote is often attributed to Peter Drucker, and it makes the point that the most brilliant strategy is nothing without the discipline of execution.

There is a spark inside everyone that can be nurtured into a flame with the right culture We love working with people engaged in process improvement work because they are general great people with growth mindset in and outside of work.

Every company needs to create their OWN culture of improvement Most of us have learned about the Lean Manufacturing movement attributed to Toyota, or the Six Sigma discipline invented at Motorola, but every company is its own and every company is like a kitchen or a restaurant that needs to develop its own version of popular recipes.  You can take the main dishes (Lean, 6 Sigma, GE, OKRs, Google), but until you take these tools or  rituals and tools and deploy them in your own company, they are just like every other good idea…. meaningless until it is implemented.

Respect is the foundation of everything

  • Respect for employees leads to reducing overburden and eliminating wasted talent.
  • Respect for the customer leads to improved value and quality.
  • Respect for the company means putting in an honest effort for fair compensation.
Our Inspiration

Many of the features in KPI Fire are based on concepts that are shared by visionary thought leaders such as:

  • Our Inspiration
  • Our Inspiration
  • Our Inspiration
  • Scrum
    • By Jeff Sutherland and JJ Sutherland
  • Dr Deming, The american who taught Japanese about Quality
    • By Raphael Aguayo

Who We Are

KPI Fire is a product of Complete XRM, inc, a SaaS (Software as a Service) company based in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. We have customers on 6 continents and partners who help serve every corner of the globe. Our customers include many large enterprises who value our personalized service and include: Yahoo!, Consumer Reports, Steiner Electric, Plexus, Nitto, Goldfields, and many other companies just like yours.

Our mission is to help you create a results focused culture of excellence in your company.

How it Started
Cedro Toro (Founder)

Cedro Toro (Founder)

While working as a Lean Six Sigma consultant and trainer, Cedro Toro saw many organizations that were struggling to operationalize the training they were receiving. The training was getting done, the employees were receiving certifications but the execution toward strategic objectives and accountability for the projects was either lacking, or stuck in endless spreadsheets and sharepoint drives.

KPI Fire was founded as a way to centralize the database of strategic initiatives, improvement projects, and key performance metrics.

KPI Fire can help you clearly communicate and execute your strategy. In order to learn more request a demo now. We’ll learn about your unique business and, as a result, we will provide you with a customised solution to reach your goals quickly.

Our Team
Keith Norrris

Keith Norrris, MBA

Randy Clark

Randy Clark

VP Sales
Nihar Nana

Nihar Nana

Customer Success
Kyla Kozole

Kyla Kozole

Product Owner

History of KPI Fire

KPI Fire is a DBA of Complete XRM, inc.

Complete XRM, inc has been in business since 2007 and operates additional software as a service products including StandupAlice.com, PlanPlusOnline.com, and PocketInformant.com

Mailing Address: 2255 E Sunnyside Avenue #581016  Salt Lake City Utah 84158

Physical Address: As of Nov 2022,
26 North Rio Grande #2072 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 USA
1353 North 1075 West  #207  Farmington Utah  84025

(prior to Oct 2022)
333 North 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA

Please update your records  if you have this old address

Randy Clark,

Keith Norris, MBA