How much does KPI Fire cost?

Pricing can be found on the KPI Fire Pricing page.

Can KPI Fire be re-branded?

Your Company’s logo can be placed on the home page of the KPI Fire app in the place of the KPI Fire logo. You can also white label KPI Fire to make it perfectly match you other internal business software systems.

Can KPI Fire be installed on our company servers (on premise) rather than on your secure servers?

Yes. KPI Fire can be installed on your company’s servers. KPI Fire’s secure servers are hosted on Amazon and are trusted by our most demanding customers. This keeps your costs down and allows you to receive real time updates.

How do I add new users / team members?

There are two places where you can invite team members. Click on the company name in the top menu then click on the “Users” tab on the left. You can also invite users from the Team tab when viewing a project.

Blog: Add New User 

How do I populate charts and graphs from existing databases like our ERP system?

You can push data to KPI Fire through the API. Contact our friendly support team at support@ for assistance

Blog: Zapier and KPI Fire

How can I get my data out of KPI Fire?

You can export project lists by clicking the export button at the top right of the project list view. You can also capture the screen you are looking at using free tools like Microsoft’s Snipping tool, included with Windows.

Blogs: Project API ExportCreate New Project API, Use Postman to test KPI Fire Metric APIs 

Does KPI Fire send emails and alerts?

Yes. When you setup alerts in the settings area of KPI Fire these alerts are triggered by events throughout the application. In addition to sending emails alerts show up in the user’s dashboard. Click on you user name on the top menu bar.

Blog:  Notification Settings 

When does the next release come out?

KPI Fire releases new features to make your work life easier and more productive about every 2 to 3 weeks. It’s like Christmas all year round.

KPI Fire just released some new features but I don’t see them.

You will need to clear your browser cache to see the latest version in your web browser.

Refresh your browser using Shift+F5 or by clicking the refresh icon. If this doesn’t work you men need to clear your browser’s cache. First close all KPI Fire Windows. In most browsers you can click CNTL-SHIFT-DELETE to pull up a “clear history” screen. You can also use incognito mode in google chrome CTL+SHIFT+N to restart KPI Fire at https://app.kpifire.com

What is the difference between an Admin, Manager, and User?

Managers (Strategy Manager) have the ability to create metrics, projects, and goals as well as all publicly visible tiles.

Admins are Managers who have the added ability to change company wide settings on the account. Users (Project Manager) have access to the Project Management elements of KPI Fire. They can enter ideas into the idea funnel and work on projects. They cannot create metrics and goals but can link existing metrics and goals to their projects.

Blogs: Project User Roles, KPI Fire User License Types 

How do I assign a Task to a Team Member?

In your project just go to the team tab, add the person as a team member. Then in the projects workflow tab click on the image to the left of the task to assign them to the task.

Blog: Tasks: Status and Approvals